Can Your Skin Care Products Enhance Your Mood?

Often referred to as the soul of the plant, essential oils have been used throughout the ages to:

  • balance and improve mood
  • beautify the skin
  • act as a disinfectant
  • heal wounds
  • improve the immune, respiratory system and circulatory system
  • relax muscles

Contained within the essential oil is the life force of the plant, carrying its energy. When using these oils, we then interact with its energy (frequency) therefore, it can influence our vitality.

Have you ever smelt something and it triggered a memory from your youth? Inhaled odor molecules come in contact with the olfactory bulb, located in the inner nasal cavity and then pass along the stimulus to the brain. The limbic system, belonging to the oldest portion of the brain, registers the stimuli and produces neurotransmitters.

These neurotransmitters can:

  • reduce pain
  • produce pleasant, euphoric sensations
  • create feelings of well-being
  • relax and calm
  • stimulate sexual feelings
  • act as stimulants to keep you awake

The limbic system stores our long and short-term memory, behavior patterns, emotions and olfaction. It is also the site for much of our creativity. Therefore, fragrances can inspire creativity, improve memory, lift our mood and increase our motivation. For instance, if you’re feeling burned out and exhausted, inhaling fresh citrus can uplift and refresh your energy. Essential oils have the power to reach deep into the psyche. They can regulate the autonomic nervous system creating deep relaxation and uplift the spirit.

My Discovery Of Essential Oils

I first discovered essential oils when I was fresh out of high school while working at a heath food store- about twenty seven years ago. I’ll never forget the first time that I saw a display of those tiny little bottles of oils and wondered what they were. When I opened up a bottle, took a whiff, I knew I discovered something life changing for myself. I learned as much as I could and experimented with them by seeing how each one affected my mood and how they blended together to create an even stronger effect.

I used them for various remedies such as mood enhancement, relaxing baths, inhalation for relieving respiratory distress and soothing sore muscles. However, once I discovered the therapeutic benefits they had on the skin- I began creating my Adina Pure Skin Care product line. Inspired by the healing effects that esential oils have on the skin and psyche as well as my passion for caring for the skin holistically.

By using pure essential oils in a skin care product it becomes not only incredibly therapeutic to the skin, but can also enhance our emotional well-being and confidence. For instance, in HydraFirm Mask, I belended Neroli and Sweet Orange together not only for the regenerative effect that they both have for the skin but because they both relieve anxiety, are relaxing, antidepressant and improve self-confidence. Together they create an enhanced effect, giving one a sense of nurturing and loving themselves through their skin care routine. So to answer the question, “Can your skin care products enhance your mood?” The answer is YES! When blended with high quality essential oils, the product has the potential to enhance your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.